An incision is made in the sidewall of the jejunal loop, with a size matching the diameter of the pancreatic cut surface. The one-layered invagination end-to-side pancreatojejunostomy is performed using a mattress suturing technique. To this purpose, transpancreatic U-sutures are placed. The suturing is started at the posterior wall of the jejunum, penetrating the full-thickness of the jejunal wall from outside to inside, exciting the jejunal lumen again from the new-made opening.
- Langrehr JM, Bahra M, Jacob D, Glanemann M, Neuhaus P. Prospective randomized comparison between a new mattress technique and Cattell (duct-to-mucosa) pancreaticojejunostomy for pancreatic resection. World J Surg. 2005;29:1111-9.