Two-layered invagination end-to-end pancreatojejunostomy

Two-layered invagination end-to-end pancreatojejunostomy2017-01-23T15:17:49+01:00

Transpancreatic invagination suturing technique

Before transection of the pancreas, two hemostatic sutures are placed cranially and caudally within the pancreatic parenchyma. After resection of the specimen, the anastomosis is started, using a double armed suture. For the first invagination stitch, the needle […]

Interlocking mattress suturing technique

The posterior walls of the pancreatic stump and the jejunal cut end are anastomosed by the placement of four completely transpancreatic interlocking mattress-sutures, while the anterior walls are anastomosed by three to four incompletely transpancreatic interlocking mattress-sutures. […]

Horizontal mattress suturing technique

The inner line of the anastomosis is performed using three or four horizontal mattress sutures parallel to the long axis of the pancreas. First, the needle is placed from outside the jejunum to inside the jejunal lumen, through the anterior […]

With stripping of the proximal seromuscular layer

The seromuscular layer of the first 2-3 cm of the jejunal cut end is removed before the anastomosis is performed, preserving the jejunal mucosa. The pancreatic capsule, about 2 cm away from the cut margin, is anastomosed to the seromuscular […]

Two-layered technique

The cut edges of the pancreas and the jejunum are sutured together circumferentially, forming the inner suture-line. The outer suture-line is performed between the surfaces of the pancreatic capsule and the seromuscular wall of the jejunum, a few centimeters away […]