Two-layered invagination end-to-side pancreatojejunostomy2017-01-23T15:13:48+01:00

One-layered anteriorly and two-layered posteriorly

The anastomosis between the pancreas and jejunum is performed using two layers of sutures posteriorly and one anterior suture-row. First, the outer posterior layer is performed by placing sutures between the capsule and some parenchyma of the pancreatic remnant and […]

Duct-to-mucosa adaptation

An incision is made in the jejunal side wall with a size that matches the diameter of the pancreatic stump. At least three stitches are preplaced in both the posterior and anterior walls of the main pancreatic duct. […]

Two-layered technique

A posterior outer suture-row is carried out between the seromuscular coat of the jejunum and the pancreatic capsule. A full-thickness incision is made in the side wall of the jejunum, opposite to the pancreatic remnant and a few […]